3 Tips to Stop Mom and Dad’s 1st Day of Preschool Tears

Almost everyone has heard first day of school horror stories from friends with preschoolers. What most friends won’t admit, however, is that the tears that flowed most readily came from them. Fortunately, there are ways parents can prepare themselves for that first day of sending their little ones to a Granada Hills preschool. While no amount of preparation can guarantee a tear or two won’t fall, there are steps moms and dads can take to minimize the trauma on themselves and their children.

Here are three tips that can make that first day a little less stressful for the grownups involved:

  • Select the school with care – When it is time to select a Granada Hills preschool, it is more than acceptable to be very picky about the choice. Look at the school’s educational programs, the safety and cleanliness of the facility, the qualifications of the teachers and the type of atmosphere provided. It can also be helpful to visit a few times and get to know the teachers in advance. When parents are confident in their selection of a preschool or day care center, the first-day jitters can be kept to a minimum.
  • Role play the first day in advance – Playing pretend preschool with a 2-, 3- or 4-year-old can make saying that actual first goodbye a bit easier. This can help the child and mom and dad prepare for what’s to come.
  • Focus on the benefits – Choosing to enroll a child in a Granada Hills preschool is not a selfish act. In fact, preschools have been proven to lay the groundwork for future educational success in numerous studies. Children who attend preschool transition into grade school easier, tend to do better in their studies and are also generally equipped with stronger social skills. Focus on those benefits to make letting go for a few hours a day less difficult.

Preschool provides a wonderful opportunity to help children explore the world around them in a safe, nurturing environment. While first-day jitters are normal – for kids and parents alike – taking the time to prepare can make the transition a whole lot easier for everyone.